Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My new home

What's up homies?

It's strange, homies are forever (?), but what's home can change in the blink of an eye. An unfamiliar not-mine can become a homely abode in as little as a few days of cleaning, or in a night of sleep, or in an hour of fiddling together IKEA-furniture, or in the mere minutes it takes to brew some coffee and sit down to write a short entry for the blog.

That is the quick recap of why I haven't been blogging and why I don't really have any art to show you. I've been making myself a new home here, in the Teekkari Village of Otnäs, which will be my base of operations for the next 5 years or so of first-handedly studying the effects of alcohol on the body, and also a bit of Mechanical and Structural engineering.

This is what my new home looks like for now (Excluding the kitchen and bathrooms that I'm sharing with two other engineering students. There isn't a lot to show except what was an exceptional amount of filth when we got here.). Any and all of my so-named homies are welcome to visit me.

My old home (That cheating betrayer of a home...) will soon belong to someone else. Buildings aren't very sentimental, but homes can mean a lot to a person. I try not to compare my new home to my old apartment, even though sometimes, I feel my old dwelling was far superior. You can't think like that. A home is very much like a lover, the same rules apply. Me and me new home, we're going to have adventures together. Not ever the same adventures I had with my old place, but new adventures.

Yesterday, I met an american animator. A very interesting and animated person. My experience of the capital city so far had been mostly hard work in the apartment and driving around in wild traffic, being chased by trams and hurrysome cyclists alike, to whom traffic rules don't seem to apply. But this animator man saw things differently. To him, the trams we're giant timely caterpillars. He didn't see the busy people, he talked about the wonder he saw in the children's eyes, and fitness of the cycling Finns. He saw the world differently, and said we don't know what we have. Maybe this new place is, in fact, better. I just haven't gotten used to it yet. It ties into what I've written about how things that are different are almost always perceived in a negative light.


  1. That all other stuff was cool and all, what with the differing perspectives and such, but this:

    "...for the next 5 years or so of first-handedly studying the effects of alcohol on the body..."

    is insanely true. Like... I mean. Wow... People sure like drinking in this country huh?

    1. Yes. Yes we do. I'm pretty good at this moderation thing myself, but I've seen a lot of Finnish alco-culture in the past few days, during my "vacation" in Turku. A lot of eager university freshmen. Next week is my first week of school, and I'll have to do my very best to survive.

    2. Hello Victor,
      Phil is very honored to be mentioned in your blog:))) I have also changed my way of seeing my surroundings being married to him, there is so much more to see and feel than what we do in our everyday busy running lifestyle... beauty, happiness, kindness..

      We also would like to hear how Kim is doing ??? Send him our regards!!

      Harriet and Phil

    3. The honor was all mine!

      Kim is on the road of recovery. Nothing unusual, but it's not a walk in the park. They said he would experience fatigue and quite severe headaches for the first month or so, and that's what's up. But things are getting better all the time.

      Kind regards, Victor.


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